Philippines introduces increasing biodiesel blend up to 5% by October 2026

May 20, 2024 |

In the Philippines, following the recommendations by the National Biofuels Board (NBB), the Department of Energy has released guidelines for adopting a higher biofuels blend. This move aims to decrease dependence on imported fuels, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and bolster the local biodiesel and bioethanol sectors.

Under the new guidelines outlined in Department Circular No. 2024-05-0014, downstream oil industry participants are required to implement a 3% coco methyl ester (CME) blend in all diesel fuel sold nationwide, beginning 01 October 2024. This percentage will gradually increase to 4% by October 1, 2025, and further to 5% by October 1, 2026.

The increase in the CME blend is expected to create additional market for coconut farmers, biodiesel producers, and other stakeholders in the coconut industry, with around 900 million additional nuts as feedstocks to produce around 100-120 million liters of additional CME requirements to satisfy a 1% mandatory increase in CME blend.

Moreover, based on a 30,000-kilometer on-road test with a higher CME blend of 5%, an increase of around 10% in mileage corresponds to an estimated net savings of PhP4.17 per liter of diesel.

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