It occured to me that, at the end of a hard and bitter summer, with interest rates high, policy unstable, loan guarantees in the first circle of hell known as limbo, projects moving like glaciers instead of rockets, lip service everywhere you look, that it might be worth having a look forward at the world that’s coming, the world that you are bringing forth, the world that future generations will thank you for. Even if the present generation has the usual blah-blah of we like but feel we can’t afford, or we can afford but don’t feel we like. So, today, a longer Top Story than usual, and a little more forward looking, here.
Four questions
Let me answer the four questions you are about to ask, right now.
Who’s it for? For all you do, this one’s for you.
What’s it about? The future you are bringing, your technologies, and the implications of your technologies.
Is it a reimaginin g of Sir Thomas’ More’s Utopis? Yes.
What does Diarkis mean, ia it Greek? It means “sustainable”, enterlally enduring, indefatigable, and yes, it’s classical Greek.
Elsewhere I will be offering copies of Diarkis for download or in hard copy form at a charge, even some signed first editions. All profits will be donated to the support of the Bold Goals Action Group.
But this first download, as I said, for all you do, this one’s for you. Free of charge, right here. As we often say to our men and women in unfiorm and ought to say more to you, thank you for your service.
Your friend,
Jim Lane