The Hot 40 and Hot 50 for 2015-16! Nominations open for annual Advanced Bioeconomy rankings
Who will be #1 – who will get your vote? Photo Voting expanded – special bonus votes for most original artwork.
In Florida, The Digest announced the official opening of nominations for the 50 Hottest Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy and the 40 Hottest Small Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy.
Voting Rules
Voting will be open to all registered subscribers of The Digest and invited selectors; this year, votes may also be cast via Photo Voting.
This year, votes will be weighted as follows: 50% based on votes received from the invited Panel of Selectors; 50% based on votes received from registered subscribers of The Digest.
The Big Change
This year, owing to the diversification of biorefinery technology and product sets, we are consolidating the Hot 30 (renewable chemicals) and Hot 50 (renewable fuels) into one category, “The Advanced Bioeconomy”. We will continue to recognize smaller hot companies via the Hot 40.
Nominations — You Gotta Be in It, To Win It
Each company or organization that receives a nomination will be included on the ballot, along with last years’ Hot 50, Hot 30 and Hot 40 recipeints. Nominations will remain open through August 28th at 5pm ET.
Note: No company has yet made it into the Rankings as a write-in. So, nomination is virtually essential for a good result — “you have to be in it to win it,’ so make sure you nominate the companies you are a fan of.
Company eligibility
Any company engaged as a producer, supplier, investor or partner is eligible for the Hot 40 and Hot 50. To be eligible for the Hot 40, a company must have fewer than 50 employees and have revenues below $20 million.
Voting period
For the hot 40, voting will begin August 31st and continue through October 16th, 2015 at 5pm ET.
For the hot 50, voting will begin August 31st and continue through January 15th, 2016 at 5pm ET.
Announcement of Hot 40 results at ABLCNext in San Francisco – November 3, 2015 – and gala event.
Hot 40 rankings will be announced at ABLC-Next in San Francisco on November 3, 2015 at 6pm PT, and we will honor the companies, their suppliers, industrial partners, investors and team at the annual Hot Party in San Francisco.
Announcement of Hot 50 results at ABLC in Washington, DC – February 2016 and gala event.
Hot 50 rankings will be announced at ABLC in Washington DC on February 17 at 6pm PT, and we will honor the companies, their suppliers, industrial partners, investors and team at the annual Hot Party.
Selector balloting
Selectors will receive their official Hot 40 ballots from The Digest during the week of September 7th, 2015 and must return them via email no later than 5pm ET, Friday, October 16, 2015.
Selectors will receive their official Hot 40 ballots from The Digest during the week of December 7th, 2015 and must return them via email no later than 5pm ET, Friday, January 15th.
Selectors may cast one ballot in each each ranking competition (Hot 40 and Hot 50).
Subscriber balloting
For the Hot 40, subscribers will receive a link to their official ballot in each e-mail newsletter issue of The Digest published between August 31st 2015 and October 16th, 2015.
For the Hot 50, subscribers will receive a link to their official ballot in each e-mail newsletter issue of The Digest published between August 31st 2015 and January 15th, 2016.
Subscribers may cast one ballot in each each ranking competition (Hot 40 and Hot 50).
Photo Voting
This year, you may submit photos in support of your candidate company. Hot 40 Photo Votes will be accepted between August 31st 2015 and October 16, 2015 at 5pm ET. Each Photo Vote will count as five votes.
Hot 50 Photo Votes will be accepted between August 31st 2015 and January 15th, 2016 at 5pm ET. Each Photo Vote will count as five votes.
The photo must be an original creative work — substantially made for the competition — and must contain the name of the company you are voting for and the words “Hot 50” or “Hot 30”. Repetitive photos (e.g. a photo of every employee in the company, holding a “Hot 50” sign), will not be counted. The Digest retains the right to reject any photo on the grounds of lack of originality — e.g. repetitive photos for the same company, images that are from the public domain simply with a “Hot 40” or “Hot 50” inserted. Images from the public domain can be used if they are used as a springboard for an original creative effort representing an original idea.
Special bonus votes for Photo Voting
The most original PhotoVotes of the Week will count for 250 votes — the Digest will determine the number of awards given each week, based on the flow and quality of submissions.
Photos submitted to or will be added to each nominee’s Voting Page at
The Digest reserves the right to accept submissions for publication on the grounds of voting fairness and taste — Each photo submitted will count five votes towards a company’s totals.
Write-in votes
All companies that registered for the Hot 50 and Hot 40 Rankings are included in the Official Ballot, but if there is a deserving company that did not register for the Official Ballot, voters are welcome to cast a write-in vote for that company.
Voting criteria
Voters may judge for themselves what makes a company “hot”.
In our view, we believe that “hot” represents an ideal blend of visibility and credibility. Companies that are substantive but unknown may be credible, but they are not hot. Likewise, companies that are widely-known but hyped are visible, but not hot. Hot is not the same as “best” – nor is it the same as “popular” – and the Rankings are neither intended to be a popularity contest nor a quality rating system.
Prohibited voting practices
Voters may not attempt to spam the ballot box through deceptive practices, nor may competing companies organize spam balloting efforts. The Digest reserves the right to reject any ballot it deems to be the product of a spamming campaign — or to cancel all ballots from that voter, or remove a company from the competition — and such a determination will be made in the Digest’s sole discretion, and its decision is final.
Prohibited voting practices include but are not limited to: creating multiple digital accounts in order to submit multiple ballots; using faked or borrowed digital accounts to submit multiple ballots in violation of daily ballot restrictions; or encouraging potential voters to create, borrow to otherwise use multiple digital accounts in order to submit multiple ballots. In general, any practice designed to prevent a fair ballot is prohibited, and may result in the suspension of a company from the Rankings or the cancellation of any and all ballots which the Digest, in its sole discretion, deems to be tainted.
Permitted voting practices
Companies or individuals may exhort colleagues, friends or the general public to vote for a deserving company – campaigning for a Hot 40 or 50 ranking is not prohibited so long as the voting itself is fair and ethical.
Voters are permitted to vote for companies they are personally, directly or indirectly, affiliated with.
Category: Top Stories