In Switzerland, AVA Biochem revealed that it is expanding its product portfolio to include platform chemical FDCA (2,5-Furandicarboxylic acid)— and that’s a pathway to a molecule called PEF that’s a potential bio-based replacement for PET used to make clear plastic bottles for soft drinks. So, it’s big news in a field that’s getting crowded with promising contenders. Here are the companies, their technologies, partners and prospects.
Potential customers abound. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Heinz, Suntory — and more to come. The Coca-Cola Plant Bottle has been a raging success, reaching up to 30% biobased content. Now, the technologies aim for The Full Monty — 100% replacement, with a variety of technologies, pathways and feedstocks. Plus, as a bonus we’ll look at some of the existing companies with technologies that have helped beverage makers reach that 30% threshold so far.

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