Advanced Cryogenics: Biofuels Digest’s 2015 5-Minute Guide

April 12, 2015 |

5-Minute-Guide-logoAdvanced Cryogenics is a carbon dioxide consulting firm, providing a full range of CO2 consulting services, supported by over 30 years of consulting and merchant expertise. Work covers technical, process, production, purity, quality; and market – related, business development, expert witness, and patent work surrounding primarily CO2; also covering cryogenic gases.

The company also provides all types of CO2 plant, storage, and allied CO2 and cryogenic equipment.

The company follows trends in the CO2 emitting and consuming industries, whereby such trends are developed further. For example, corn – ethanol had a significant growth period; and the next phase of growth will be advanced biofuels. Next, partly as a product of hydraulic fracturing, and the oil boom which precipitates opportunities from petrochemical manufacturing as CO2 by-product; and CO2 usage in EOR projects; albeit the current slump in oil prices, which is felt to be temporary. In the end, all viable sources are developed fully.

Top Past Milestones

1. Worked with cellulosic ethanol firm for the first of such projects from sugarcane materials, in the Imperial Valley of California.
2. Worked with major ethylene oxide (EO) producers in the Gulf Coast for CO2 recovery.
3. Provided support for patent – related CO2 recovery technology, using flue gas as a feedstock for EOR service.

Top Future Milestones

1. Provide work for advanced biofuels ventures; work to be include upstream recovery, market evaluations, and full range of CO2 consulting work.
2. Further work with natural gas borne chemical projects for merchant, EOR, and sequestration.
3. Develop work with improved CO2 recovery technologies, and enhance international presence.

Business Model 

Fees for service.

Competitive Edge

The competitive advantages include innovation, and a creatitive approach to solutions; while using my vast consulting experience, my background as a chemist; and prior merchant experience to bring forward the best solutions for the client.

Project descriptions

One significant project started as a very large CO2 recovery project from a oil refinery, specifically a reformer operation in Kuwait. This project was premature for EOR needs at the time. The project morphed into a recovery scheme from an ethylene oxide source of CO2 for production of CO2 with market destinations of the product to replace product frm often obsolete methods of manufacturing CO2, such as small fossil fuel combustion sources.

The original concept included green chemistry, in terms of applying CO2 in green applications v. other methods of satisfying process or market demands. Further, emissions are reduced via specific applications; and long term, the reformer source of CO2 recovery may bring CO2 to the oilfields for EOR service, and develop environmental advantages via sequestrating CO2 v. emitting to the atmosphere. In this regard, the green carbon project is a win – win opportunity.


Category: 5-Minute Guide

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