In Oregon, the Air Force has opened a public comment period on its Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to evaluate the development of a domestic commercial-scale military specification transportation fuel production capability using biomass feedstocks for Red Rock Biofuels. Comments are due by Feb. 5.
Two sites were considered for the development of the facility, both located in the Lower Thomas Creek watershed. Work to be performed on the proposed Biorefinery site consists of extending city utility services, installing a commercial-scale biomass refining facility with all necessary raw biomass material and finished product storage capability, and attendant office space. A railroad extension spur and roadway access onto adjacent Kadrmas Road will also be constructed. The project will also require extending an existing Kinder Morgan Ruby Pipeline located in southern Lake County, approximately three miles along the Lake County Railroad right of way, to the biomass refinery site, which partially transits within the same floodplain. Both the preferred siting option and the alternate site would impact up to 54 acres within the floodplain.