In California, Amyris previewed the launch of its new consumer branch, Biossance. The product features the company’s Neossance squalane, an advanced emollient that replenishes moisture in the skin by using a moisturizer already present naturally in the human body. The Biossance products will be distributed beginning in May, 2015.
During the launch event, John Melo, President & CEO of Amyris, showcased the exceptional performance of the Biossance product’s patented, plant-derived emollient, which locks in essential moisture, as well as the results of home use tests in which consumers agreed that their skin felt instantly hydrated and revitalized and appeared softer and smoother. Melo also highlighted how this exciting new product marks the company’s first direct entry into the skin care market − initially with this single product to be launched more broadly in late May 2015 and with an expanded line of several new products expected to follow in late 2015.
More on the story.