Aragon declares ENCE Biogás projects of Autonomous Interest

August 1, 2024 |

In Spain, the Aragon’s Government Council has declared of Autonomous Interest the project of the company ENCE Biogás for the development, construction, start-up and operation of six plants for the production of biomethane and fertilizers in the Aragonese community.

The project encompasses six locations: San Esteban de Litera (Huesca), Barbastro (Huesca), Zuera (Zaragoza), Belchite (Zaragoza), Alcolea de Cinca (Huesca) and Teruel.

Although each facility has its own start-up deadlines, it is estimated that the approximate time for the construction phase is 18-20 months in total duration.

The direct economic investment of the six plants amounts to 120 million euros, with the generation of 150 direct jobs and up to 450 indirect jobs during the operation phase, adding the employment generated during the construction phase and the direct, indirect and induced impact for the development of the activity.

The project includes both the industrial facilities of the six plants for the production of biomethane and fertilizers, as well as their auxiliary infrastructure, specifically, conditioning of access to the plants, electrical lines for energy supply to the plants and gas pipeline branches to inject the biomethane produced to existing gas infrastructure.

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