In Japan, Asahi Kasei announced the official opening of a new hydrogen pilot plant in Kawasaki, Japan. The firm noted that the operation start of this commercial-scale facility was in March 2024. The trial operation of four 0.8 MW modules is another milestone towards the realization of a commercial multi-module 100 MW-class alkaline water electrolysis system for green hydrogen production, the Japanese company added. Masami Takenaka, Lead Executive Officer at Asahi Kasei, said: “This pilot facility is milestone not only for Asahi Kasei, but also for the global hydrogen business in general. We believe that successfully operating our equipment in this test facility will be a door opener for commercial large-scale multi-module alkaline water electrolyzers and eventually the realization of a hydrogen society”. In the pilot plant, four 0.8 MW Aqualyzer modules are being operated under realistic conditions, including operation during maintenance and low power supply during nighttime, the company said. In addition, the equipment is designed to simulate fluctuating power input from solar or wind power. By utilizing the data obtained from these trials, Asahi Kasei said it will further optimize the equipment design, operation methods, and control technology of the electrolysis system. Asahi Kasei plans to start commercial business activities for its alkaline water electrolyzers in 2025.
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