Australia announces budget package with key investments in ARENA and renewable hydrogen

May 15, 2024 |

In Australia, the government released its A$22.7 billion Future Made in Australia budget package aimed at making the country a renewable energy superpower and an indispensable part of the global economy.

Included in that budget is:

·      A$5.1 billion boost to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency:

o   A$1.7 billion for the Future Made in Australia Innovation Fund to unlock private capital across new industries like green metals and low carbon liquid fuels.

o   A$1.5 billion to build capability in solar and battery manufacturing that strengthens supply chain resilience

o   A$1.9 billion to recharge ARENA’s core mission developing, commercializing, manufacturing and deploying new renewable energy technologies

·      Supercharging Australian renewable hydrogen with: 

o   A$6.7 billion over the decade for a new production tax incentive of A$2 per kilogram starting from 2027-28; and

o   A$2 billion for a new round of the successful Hydrogen Headstart program to give long-term certainty for the large-scale renewable hydrogen industry, critical for future green iron and steel opportunities.

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