In Brazil, the national grain ethanol producers association, UNEM, says the newest ethanol, meal and corn oil facility in Brazil has been in operation came online on January 1, located in the municipality of Maracaju (MS). As a result, the country now has 22 cereal ethanol industrial units, 10 of which are fully dedicated. The new unit has the capacity to supply the market with 266 million liters of ethanol, 161,000 tons of DDGS, 10 thousand tons of oil and sell 51 GWh. Currently, corn and cereal ethanol already represents more than 20% of national biofuel production, consolidating itself as an indispensable source in Brazil’s energy transition process. For the National Corn Ethanol Union (Unem), an entity that represents more than 90% of the country’s installed capacity, with each operational start-up of new units, Brazil solidifies its vocation for producing bioenergy from renewable and low-energy matrices. greenhouse gas emissions.
The new Neomille unit, in Maracaju (MS), begins production after 18 months of work, within the project’s initial forecast. There were around 4500 professionals involved during the construction phase. Upon completion, the expectation is to create around 200 direct jobs and 600 indirect jobs, contributing significantly to the regional economy.
Tags: Brazil, corn, ethanol
Category: Fuels