Cruz, Paul get failing grades in America’s Renewable Future final candidate report card
In Iowa, America’s Renewable Future released its final candidate report card today. The report card places each presidential contender into a good or bad category based on their support for the federal Renewable Fuel Standard.
ARF will use the report card to let more than 50,000 pledged caucus-goers and Iowans know which candidates will protect the state’s economy or which will be job killers. The tactics used will be a combination of grassroots and paid efforts.
According to ARF, “Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Rand Paul stand out as the bad candidates on the report card, while the rest of the candidates on both sides of the aisle are graded as good. The report card designates a “good” candidate as one who has demonstrated support for the RFS and Iowa farmers and a “bad” candidate as one who has stood against Iowa farmers and the RFS.”
The organization has gone after Cruz prior to the release of the report card on statewide radio for his hypocrisy on support for oil subsidies. The efforts will resume after the holidays. In addition to paid media, ARF’s grassroots organization covers the state’s 99 counties with 17 field staffers who have organized over 1,000 events around the state.
From test plot events and RV stops at biofuel plants and co-ops to county fairs and farmers’ markets. From our urban centers in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids to the smallest rural towns, ARF has been getting its message out to Iowans. A message that’s resonating with Iowa caucus-goers with 61% of Republicans and 76% of Democrats saying they support the RFS.
“Ted Cruz is dangerous to Iowa and thousands of Iowa jobs,” said ARF State Director, Eric Branstad, “Our economy depends on a strong RFS and Iowans count on $5 billion in wages thanks to it, Ted Cruz wants to kill their jobs and we are going to make sure every Iowan knows that.”
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