In North Carolina, DMC Biotechnologies announced a new 9,500 square foot (880 square meter) metabolic engineering and fermentation facility in the Research Triangle Park (RTP) area of North Carolina, to support a team of scientists advancing DMC products and active collaborations.
The research and development lab employs a team of metabolic engineers, precision fermentation specialists, automation experts, and analytical support. The facility is home to DMC’s workflows in strain and metabolic engineering, high throughput testing, as well as bench and pilot scale fermentation. The RTP facility compliments DMC’s Boulder facility, which manages the company’s downstream separation and purification development activities.
DMC’s precision fermentation bioprocesses, which leverage its proprietary Dynamic Metabolic ControlTM technology, enables the production of low carbon and economical chemicals. Improving the sustainability of chemicals is critical to mitigating future climate change.
Tags: DMC Biotechnologies, North Carolina
Category: Research