Rubio, Sanders surge in the Bioeconomy Mirror Presidential election

November 29, 2015 |

Rubio takes lead in delegate counts; Sanders ties with Clinton. Trump, Carson, Clinton continue to lead polls by wide margin.

In the Digest’s Mirror US Presidential Election, focused on bioeconomy voters in the weeks leading up to the actual Iowa Caucuses,  Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary and the Washington state caucuses, while Marco Rubio took the South Carolina and Nevada primaries.


Over on the Democratic side., Bernie Sanders took the New Hamshire and South Carllina primaries, while Hillary Clinton took Nevada.

In our winner-take all system, we have awarded 80 delegates to Marco Rubio and 67 to Donald Trump; over on the Democratic side, we awarded 76 delegates to Bernie Sanders and 30 to Hillary Clinton.  Carson and 46 to Hillary Clinton.

Overall delegate totals in the Bioeconomy Mirror election


Marco Rubio 80 delegates

Donald Trump 67 delegates

Ben Carson 46 delegates


Bernie Sanders 76 delegates

Hillary Clinton 76 delegates

Complete background on the Mirror election is here.


Overall national Republican voting preferences

Donald Trump   24%

Ben Carson         22%

Marco Rubio       11%

Jeb Bush             9%

John Kasich         9%

Carly Fiorina       7%

Ted Cruz              6%

Rand Paul            3%

Chris Christie      3%

Mike Huckabee   1%

Lindsay Graham 1%

Rick Santorum    1%

George Pataki    1%


Overall national Democratic voting preferences

Hillary Clinton 62%

Bernie Sanders 36%

Martin O’Malley 2%

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