In the Netherlands, STX Group recently announced the financing partnership with BioValue, a major Dutch biomethane producer, for the construction and development of the Groengas Cothen biomethane plant. The new plant adds at least 80GWh of renewable natural gas capacity per year. This strategic move is aligned with STX Group’s mission to promote the energy transition and underscores the redefinition of market dynamics aimed at boosting project development in the renewable energy space.
The financing by STX Group ensures BioValue access to key capital but also provides flexibility, avoiding potential constraints from fixed offtake prices. Collaborating with Nationaal Groenfonds as the junior financier, STX Group goes beyond traditional offtake agreements: unlike traditional banking institutions, this financing model provides BioValue with exposure to the developing biomethane market, contributing to their strategic goals and long-term success.
Tags: biomethane, Netherlands, STX Group
Category: Fuels