Energy production from sewage sludge especially at small-scale using Anaerobic Digestion (AD) typically does not produce significant value with the current available AD technology due to low Carbon Conversion Efficiency (CCE) (generally less than 50%). A research team proposed a novel concept, which will overcome this problem and produce significant more energy in the form of Renewable Natural gas (RNG). The goal is to significantly increase the CCE of AD with 40% end of BP2 and 50% increase end of BP3. And, upgrade biogas (60% CH4/40% CO2) to RNG. Converting 80% of CO2 with H2 to more CH4 end of BP2 and 95% of CO2 end of BP3. Birgitte K. Ahring, Washington State University led the team that created this presentation for DOE Project Peer Review.

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